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Welcome to the Mississippi Who's Who High School Awards 

The Mississippi's Who's Who High School Awards is the only statewide program that honors student athletes from across the whole state of Mississippi including over 50,000 athletes, over 300 public and private schools from all 7 divisions.


It's expected to be one of the biggest sporting events of the year as we anticipate over 100,000 participants as anyone can watch this exclusive pay-per-view event from anywhere in the world, hosted by the legendary Russ Robinson, who's called over 5,000 regular, championship, and all-star games.


Anyone anywhere can vote for any player for any awards or multiple awards as many times as they like. It doesn't matter if the student is a freshman or senior or what school the student went to as long as the player played this current season at a Mississippi school.

Basketball 2024 Coming SoonC

Mississippi's Who's Who High School Basketball Awards Show coming soon 2024. Voting starts soon. 

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2023 Best Football Athletes in Mississippi

Here's the complete list of the best football athletes, teams, marching bands, cheer leaders, and student sections in Mississippi. 


2023 Who's Who High School Football Awards Winners List


Pre-game Award's Show

Special guests will appear to talk about this year's kids and current season. The pre-show will feature kid's story and exclusive and surprise interviews. 


MS Who's Who High School Awards

1'000's of students from around Mississippi gather for a historic event to be honored as the top players and schools in the state for the 2023 season. Over 100,000 attendees are expected to watch.

Scholarships & Grants

Winning an award means potentially receiving a scholarship for students. Students can use the scholarship for any school and however they want.


 A school winning an award means potentially receiving a grant. Districts can use the grants for whatever they choose.


This year, whichever school has the most registered attendees watching the awards show will receive a $5,000 grant. Schools can use the grant for whatever purpose they choose. The winner will be announced during the awards show.


 Ticket sales are transformed into scholarships and grants so that Mississippi can send more students to college as well as help improve local schools.

Meet The Host

Hosting this year's award show is Mississippi's Voice of High School Athlethics, the legendary Russ Robinson. Russ has called over 5,000 regular, championship, and all-star games in Mississippi.


Russ is also the host of Friday Night Under The Lights sports program. The FNUTL platform reaches millions of viewers each month. FNUTL will feature the pay-per-view award show this year on its network.



Vote Now
Be Heard

Vote on the players and schools who you think should win what awards. Let your voice be heard. You choose who's the best of the best in Mississippi. 


Vote as many times as you like. Go Vote now!

Voting Starts Soon

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